The Sun on Sunday: MP backs launch of free fact-checking service to counter coronavirus conspiracy theories sweeping the internet

Article by David Wooding and published 12 April 2020

An MP is backing a new way to counter coronavirus conspiracy theories sweeping the internet during lockdown.

Tory Damian Collins is helping to launch a free fact-checking service to nail dangerous lies about the disease.

One false rumour blamed mobile phone masts for spreading the virus and several were then set alight.

Mr Collins was astonished by other fake stories his sons have been sent.

They included one claim that martial law was about to be declared and another that a curfew would be imposed so that military helicopters could spray disinfectant over housing estates. Other lies shared by thousands include claims that drinking water every 15 minutes would protect against the virus and that certain ethnic groups have immunity.

Mr Collins says new website Infotagion fact-checks rumours with official sources and users can submit new questions.

He said: “False information on the internet can spread quicker than the virus. Infotagion will check out these claims, free of charge, and destroy these dangerous myths as quickly as possible.”

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